Actually i was supposed to publish a post on psychiatry posting and Herbertpur trip before this one but owing to my laziness it never saw the here u go...a short story on the making of PEGASUS ' part of the work was actually kinda fun..calling up ppl from all colleges,inviting them for the fest,explaining to some of them why we cant give free accommodation 'cos of our tight budget,listening to a few horrible caller tunes,apologising to some for different reasons and blah,blah...i also got to be a bit of a critic regarding t-shirt designing,posters,etc but all the work connected with designing stuff was done by the silent chinki and of the few things connected to pegasus which they werent involved in came out with a Vitruvian man without his important stuff...
From the time when ppl started planning abt pegasus or even much before that everyone kept reminding each other that this is going to be the last thing we r gonna do as a batch and we'll be soon joining the old men club..anyway,everything went well and now we r all officially jobless...i guess a few guys also had a bit of PPD(post pegasus depression)..the term was coined by either pranav or chichra..i am bad at remembering who said what...i just remember the shit ppl its time for dinners and getting the rest of the sponsored money...i cant actually believe this post is becoming so boring..i was damn excited after pegasus and i started writing this stuff thinking that i am going to create my longest post ever..but now i am actually running out of things to write...oh,i forgot to mention my mistake..i asked my bro' to come to Vellore and enjoy the fest..well,to put it short,the poor guy got ultra bored... plus he had to listen to crap like 'how i got syphilis', 'what type of weed do i take',etc,etc...
One of the things which i 'll remember abt this year was the crazy'dappamkoothu'outside the informals was the spontaneous ideas of one of the brilliant minds around and it turned out to be a huge crowd puller...the crowd went absolutely crazy...u could see dust clouds above the informals stall...another last minute decision was the singing competition near jukebox..the no. of ppl who think that they can sing is much more than what u imagine..talking abt singing,i am remineded abt the dilemma that the in-charges faced when one girl kept on bugging them to let her sing a tamil song during Rock competition...she just wont be convinced that all those wierd looking guys wit long hair are not exactly the fans of Tamil filmmusic..finally they had to let her sing 'chandralekha' during one of the events..eye witnesses told me that she was trying to put so much expression into the song that she looked like she was trying to shit...i forgot to ask abt the audience response...
Though i was in reception,there was enough time to go &watch some culturals also...adzap this year wsnt that great..WCC had to advertise for underwear which glows in the dark..they just went crazy and half the audience started hooting and howling..of the few ads which i watched,i liked MCC's the best...they were spontaneous,uninhibited and provided 101%entertainment...Turncoat was quite good(in this one,u r given a topic forwhich u start speaking supporting it first and then change ur opinion whenever the judge says 'turncoat'...)the guy who won the event spoke on'Hand-eye co-ordination is extremely important while watching TV:-) was truly hilarious..i thought of taking part but finally didnt have the guts to do so...
I think its time i ended this post..otherwise i'll just come and type two sentences everyday and publish it by next year pegasus time only..anyway,now more than one week is over since the final showdown...i remember the last night in reception..i slept on the cane chair..badly wanted to sleep on the bean bag but both of them were already occupied..this time i didnt have stamps all over the face when i woke up..the last collg to get clearance and leave was BMS collg,B'lore...Next year we'll be final years who will come and see the fest like some visitors..cant believe time has flown away so fast..sometimes i wish all this should just get over fast and that i just want to get out of collg..but then i remind myself of the struggle after that..phew...i think i am feeling too hissy&pissy today..more than i usually do..may be its a strange co-incidence that today i complete 3 years of collg life...