Wednesday, March 18, 2009

about irritating idiots

Phew!!!i am writing this mainly 'cos i am so generally pissed with life and especially with the behaviour of some of my classmates.i dont like confrontations so i generally just swear in my mind when i get badly pissed with people.i know i am deviating away from the topic but i dont really care...that was kind of the purpose of this post..i know its kind of spineless not to telll ppl on their face when they become irritating but this is much be frank,in many situations i cannot exactly point out to myself why i am so disturbed and irritated..sometimes there is no reason at all..sometimes there r people whose faces which bug me..

Well after writing till the last line i had to leave 'cos i had some i am in a completely different mood and not feeling bitchy like i was(dunno whether it is manly to have felt bitchy or to have accepted it but then,who cares??)So like i was saying people can be irriating in several ways...some jackasses think it is really smart to walk around making jokes when people are working on something which is supposed to be "teamwork".then there are those great ones who are permanently in the dream world,smile to themselves,speak to voices you can't hear and then ask stupid questions..but i guess the most irriating are the"supervisors".The supervisors are a clan who walk around the whole place telling whom to do what and how people can improvise their work.They firmly and strongly believe that their existence,commands and guidance is essential for bringing out perfect results though the truth is just the opposite.Actually i would take back the "most irriating" bit about supervisors.Sometimes i feel ultra-irriated by myself..when i started writing this post one of the main reasons for my irritation was my own inefficiency..i guess i was kind of trying to mask that by feeling irritated with others..(wow,not bad i am sounding semi-philosophical :D)guess this much 'll do for now..

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Jawadhu experience

just back from the community health programme in Jawadhu hills in Thiruvannamalai..i am not sure whether it is part of eastern ghats,western ghats,etc, i wont be boring u with the geographic details..atul was saying that he remembered having to draw 2 small lines as part of the ghats in tamilnadu..may be this is that only..any way,the trip was quite a lot of fun..(though i had a bit of mood swing attacks and was kind of depressed for arond half the time on the first day of the trip..)
we were contemplating the methods to be adopted in case of getting beaten up in the village considering the fact that our study was to find the fertility rate of the tribal population in the hills..but the people generally turned out to be qiute nice and co-operative(i guess we might have actually got beaten up if we used the national family health survey questions which had questions like at what age did u have ur 1st sexual intercourse and other such stuff:))well most of the females still giggled and some of them were blushing like crazy when we asked them how many children they wanted to have at the time of marriage...then there was the tricky part of keeping the drunk husbands occupied while chinthu interviewed the wife.on the last day i had to manage a drunk guy and his wife at the same time.i was a bit scared in the beginning that the guy will screw it up but it turned out to be the most hilarious event in the whole programme.he started blurting out random words in english and told me he was an MBA holder(i didnt ask him what MBA stands for according to him...that chap turned out to be someone who is married somewhere else and happened to be visiting his sweetheart in the hills).anyway it was lots of fun and it was the last interview during the programme.

this whole trip was actually quite these tribal villages the guy and girl stay together for 2-3 months before they get about live-in realtions!!
another interesting thing was that they breastfeed their kids for 4-5 years...we even found someone who was breastfeeding her child for7 years..but the shocking thing is that most of them still deliver at home..the mother/mother-i-l/sister-i-l, around during the delivery..many of them offerd us food and all and one of us had the honour of naming a kid also..i know... that was quite a cute thing.. :)anyway now back to the civilisation and analysis of all the data that we collected.